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  • Bukan Selalu Kanker, Ini Ragam Penyebab Benjolan di Ketiak

Bukan Selalu Kanker, Ini Ragam Penyebab Benjolan di Ketiak

Bukan Selalu Kanker, Ini Ragam Penyebab Benjolan di Ketiak
Ilustrasi ketiak. Credits: Freepik

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The presence of a mass in the underarm has long been related to the concern of cancer. Nevertheless, not all lumps in the armpit are indicative of cancer.

Lumps in the underarm may result from a number of factors, such as cancer, hair follicles, injury, skin conditions, or viral infections. Learn more about possible causes of a tumor in the underarm and a suitable plan of action to take upon finding the lump.


Various causes of lumps in the underarm

Swollen lymph nodes are the primary cause of lumps in the armpit, in addition to cancer. Various locations on the body, such as the underarm, contain lymph nodes. Additionally, it contains white blood cells that assist the immune system in fighting infections. Bacteria or viruses may accidentally accumulate in the lymph node region in response to an infection. This can result in temporary swelling.

Additional causes of tumors in the underarm include:

Noncancerous and cancerous tumors are associated with lumps

As well as cancer, lumps in the underarm may be indicative of noncancerous tumors. These tumors are the result of a variety of conditions, including breast cancer, lymphoma, soft tissue sarcoma, leukemia, and fibroadenoma (FAM), which is characterized by its hard texture but is not life-threatening.

An ultrasound examination is usually required to diagnose noncancerous or cancerous tumors in the underarm. Ultrasound is a medical imaging technique that uses sound pulses to identify any abnormalities, enlargements, or suspicious changes in the underarm area.

Hair follicle problems

  • Hidradenitis suppurativa, which is chronic inflammation of the hair follicles, causes the formation of lumps, inflammation and abscesses in skin folds, such as the underarm
  • The formation of blisters as a result of an infection in the hair follicles
  • Cysts are palpable under their skin and grow in the hair follicles.
  • As a result of bacterial, fungal, or shaving-induced irritation, foliculitis, or inflammation of the hair follicles, may develop.
  • Ingrown hair

Read more: Men Can Also Get Breast Cancer, These Are The Symptoms


Overstretching or muscle injury can also result in lumps in the underarm. Pain may accompany the swelling that results from this injury.

Skin problems

Skin problems may induce the development of lumps in the armpits, such as:

  • A lipoma is a noncancerous growth that develops from an accumulation of fat cells.
  • Impetigo is a bacterial skin disease commonly seen in children, which can manifest in the underarms, face, or other parts of the body.
  • Shaving-induced irritation
  • Skin rash
  • Skin tags are harmless proliferations of tissue that may resemble tiny nodules in the underarm area

Viral infection

Viral infections can result in the enlargement of lymph nodes in the underarm, which may manifest as palpable masses in the armpit. Lymph nodes play an important part in the functioning of the immune system.

During a viral infection, the lymph nodes play a crucial role in eradicating the virus from the body. When the body's defense system is activated, the lymph nodes will enlarge and can be detected as lumps.

Read more: Causes And Symptoms Of Limfadenitis, Infections In Bening's Getah Kelenjar


When do you need to see a doctor?

A lump in the underarm is not usually associated with cancer; nonetheless, if you are concerned and want to know the cause of the lump, you need to have it examined out. In addition, you should check yourself as soon as possible if the lump in the underarm is accompanied by any of the following symptoms:

  • The condition persists, even after a duration exceeding two weeks
  • Hard and painful lump
  • The lump increases in size
  • The tumor restores even after surgical removal
  • Lumps are accompanied by fever
  • The lump suddenly shows along with other symptoms, including softness upon touch


If you want to determine the cause of lumps and determine whether they are dangerous, you can either visit a doctor or make use of the consultation features that are available in the Ai Care application by downloading the Ai Care application from the App Store or Play Store.


Looking for more information about other diseases? Click here!

Writer : Agatha Writer
Editor :
  • dr. Alvidiani Agustina Damanik
Last Updated : Senin, 15 Juli 2024 | 04:46